The jaguar is the third largest cat in the world, weighing in at anywhere between 150 and 200 pounds with only the lion and the tiger bigger. In Meso American culture (primarily Mayan, Incan and Aztec) jaguars were worshipped as gods of the Underworld and had temples built for them, most notably the Temple of the Jaguar in Chichen Itza.
Temple of the Jaguar in
Chichen Itza. Link:
However, in today’s world, jaguars have been listed as near threatened since 1997 and their numbers decrease each year (USFWS 25). Jaguars are the only big cats that exclusively appear in the New World, but with their dwindling numbers they are primarily located in South and Central American rainforests with only one living wild Jaguar seen in the United States as of 2012.

Jaguars usually have litters averaging two cubs and they
stay with their mother for the first year of their lives. In the wild, jaguars
can live around 10-15 years, however some individuals have been known to live
longer. Jaguars live and hunt in solidarity, only interacting with others
during the mating season. They usually hunt at night because of their excellent
night vision and use the trees and shrubbery to ambush their prey, killing it
with one strong bite. This is originally how they got their name, as Meso Americans called them “yaguars” meaning “he who kills in one leap.” They have
been known to prey upon around 85 species including: peccaries, capybaras and pacas
and are also not afraid to go through water to capture their prey as they are
very good swimmers.
Jaguars were listed as near threatened in 1997, and continue to struggle to become de-listed. There are
a few factors that are contributing to the decline in jaguar populations.
Firstly, people clear forests in order to expand cities and agriculture, which
destroys the jaguar’s habitat (which is very large due to large spatial needs) and cutting off access to the resources it once
had available.
Jaguar’s habitats are in
danger due to human activities. Link:
Even though commercial hunting of jaguars is
banned, poachers still go out and hunt for the jaguar's fur because of the lack of enforcement on
these anti-poaching laws (USFWS 28). The punishment for poaching is a 500,000 dollar fine or 3 years in prison, but this is never enforced (USFWS 28). It is estimated around 15,000 total jaguars are left in the South and Central American rainforests, down from 300,000 in 1960. No disease has been
documented to significantly impact jaguars yet, however CDV (Canine Distemper
Virus) has been known to negatively affect some jaguars in the wild (USFWS 7). Lastly, the hunting by humans of big game prey
that jaguars typically hunt is causing problems. Over hunting of these prey
animals is depriving jaguars of their food which hurts their survival rates,
especially when mothers are hunting not just for themselves, but for their cubs
as well. This is also important because of how slowly jaguars
reproduce. As I mentioned above, jaguars average 2 cubs per litter and as a
k-selected species, the mothers put a lot of time and care into raising their
young, and if they can’t feed their cubs, they suffer and struggle to survive.
The U.S.
Fish and Wildlife service began developing a recovery plan in 2012 and has a
few measures in place. First, reduce and strengthen the enforcement against
poachers in the wild. Nayarit and other Mexican states are working with local law enforcement in order to help jaguar conservation and prevent poaching (USFWS 28). Second, research
and assess the affects that habitat degradation is having on jaguar
populations. Lastly, research more about how roads and other man made obstacles affect jaguar movements. But what can we do as ordinary citizens to help
protect jaguars in the wild? The Defenders of Wildlife have a program where you
can adopt a jaguar to fund their organization. Visit this link for more info!
Bruno, Natasha, Emily Hauck. "Exploring the Population Dynamics of the Endangered top level Carnivore." Weebly. n.d. Web. 2 Dec. 2015.
"Jaguar." National Geographic. n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
"Jaguar." National Geographic. n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
"Jaguar Fact Sheet." Defenders of Wildlife. n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
"Jaguar Symbolism." Pure Spirit. n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
"Recovery Outline for the Jaguar (Panthera onca)." United States Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Apr. 2012. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
This is a great, informational blog. This species is beautiful and it's sad how poachers still hunt and kill jaguars for their fur despite the fact that there is a law that already bans it; it should be taken more seriously. Destroying their habitats is also extremely unfortunate and a main cause of most endangerment. #BIO227Fall2015
ReplyDelete-Ramy Joseph